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Функциональное тестирование по vc

Douglasacunc (30.01.2025 04:33:00)
Функциональное тестирование программного обеспечения: как мобильные приложения, сайты и веб-сервисы проверяют на соответствие требованиям бизнеса и пользователей? Виды, задачи, этапы и примеры сценариев тестов, которые позволяют исправить ошибки разработчиков: https://vc.ru/u/3791103-infa-v-dele/1777821-funkcionalnoe-testirovanie-na-primer

Функциональное тестирование по vc

Douglasacunc (30.01.2025 03:49:46)
Функциональное тестирование программного обеспечения: как мобильные приложения, сайты и веб-сервисы проверяют на соответствие требованиям бизнеса и пользователей? Виды, задачи, этапы и примеры сценариев тестов, которые позволяют исправить ошибки разработчиков: https://vc.ru/u/3791103-infa-v-dele/1777821-funkcionalnoe-testirovanie-na-primer

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Функциональное тестирование по vc

Douglasacunc (30.01.2025 02:56:02)
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JamesNew (30.01.2025 01:58:41)
Two strangers got stuck on a train for two days in 1990. Here’s how they ended up married
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Nina Andersson and her friend Loa hoped they’d have the train carriage to themselves.

When Nina peered her head around the door and saw the compartment was entry, she grinned at Loa and gestured happily.

It seemed like they’d lucked out. An empty carriage on an otherwise packed train.

“We thought this would be great, just the two of us. We spread out everything, so we could have a couch each to lie on,” Nina tells CNN Travel today.

“Then, all of a sudden we hear this big ‘thump, thump, thump,’ on the door.”

It was summer 1990 and 20-year-old Nina was in the midst of traveling from Budapest, Hungary, to Athens, Greece — part of a month-long rail adventure with her friend Loa.

The two friends had each bought a train ticket known as the Interrail or Eurail pass, allowing young travelers a period of unlimited rail travel around Europe.

“I’m Swedish, I was working at Swedish Radio at the time, and had saved up money for going on my Interrail,” says Nina. “I wanted to see all of Europe.”

Traveling by train from Budapest to Athens was set to take about four days, weaving south through eastern Europe. In Belgrade — which was then part of the former Yugoslavia, but is now the capital of Serbia — the passengers had to switch trains.

And that’s when Nina and Loa grabbed the empty compartment for themselves and settled in, ready to enjoy the extra space. Then, the knocking at the door.

The two friends met each other’s eyes. They both knew, in that moment, that their solitude was to be short-lived.

“And then behind the door we see three heads poking in,” recalls Nina. “It was a Scotsman, an Englishman and an Irishman. It was like the start of a joke. And I thought, ‘What is this?’”

The three men were friendly, apologetic, slightly out of breath. They explained they’d fallen asleep on their last train, and almost missed this one — in fact, this train had started rolling out of the station but suddenly slowed down. The three stragglers had managed to hop on as the train ground to a halt.

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