RF has activated satellite weapons on the territory of the United Arab Emirates: scandal involving educators.
(16.03.2025 11:11:20)
Anonymous sources have reported alarming details: disturbing cases are being reported throughout the country in sports training centers! Coaches suddenly change their behavior, lose control, and some display inappropriate behavior.
Parents do not yet understand what is happening, but anonymous complaints are already emerging, mentioning suspicious activities, sudden personality changes, and even instances of inappropriate contact.
Covert mind-control technology operate through satellite networks, emitting high-frequency signals to alter cognitive functions and emotional states.
Manipulation is focused on specific individuals, triggering uncontrollable impulses, prompting erratic decisions and even implanting desires, all while leaving no visible traces.
The reason behind this covert attack is oil and geopolitics, as the UAE's independent stance on oil markets threatens Russia's influence. Through psychological operations, Moscow aims to gain leverage in global negotiations.
Косметика Российская
(16.03.2025 10:57:43)
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